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Entertainment :How do you get rid of body fat?

How do you get rid of body fat?
Apr 8, 2018 2:56 PM
Eva Tess
Writer at Health (2007-present)
4w ago
5 Ways to Reduce Body Fat Percentage Fast
1. Clean Up Your Diet
It's true what they say, you can't out-exercise a bad diet. And abs are made in the kitchen. So the first step to any fat-loss plan starts with improving your diet. First, cut out processed foods, fake sugars and refined carbs. That means cutting out the cakes, cookies, ice cream, deep-fried foods and candy. Next, add more foods to your diet with low-energy density. Said more simply, include fruits, vegetables, leafy greens, whole grains, lean meats and fish in your diet. To help make grocery shopping easier, try primarily shopping the perimeter of the store where they keep the fresh produce and meat counter.
2. Drink More Water
Skip high-calorie beverages with little to no nutritional value and grab a glass (or two) of water instead. This means forgoing flavored lattes, dessert coffees, artificially sweetened juices, sweet tea, alcohol and soda. Water not only helps keep your body hydrated and functioning optimally, but it also helps continually flush your system and can help boost your metabolism. Drink a full glass of water about 30 minutes before a meal to help prevent overeating and continue to drink water throughout the day. Many times, the hunger and thirst signals to your brain can feel similar. So when you feel like snacking, drink a glass of water before noshing.
3. Pace Your Meals
The research behind how many meals to eat and how often is a little contradictory at times. Some studies suggest grazing on small meals spaced two to three hours apart can help prevent you from pigging out come dinner time. Others point to intermittent fasting (which basically means eating all your daily meals in a shorter timeframe) being a good way to jump-start fat loss and prevent overeating. The trick is finding what works best for your body. Whatever strategy you decide on, make sure that the calories you eat don't exceed the calories you burn each day (this is called caloric deficit). It takes a caloric deficit of 3,500 calories to lose one pound of fat, which is why you should aim to lose one to two pounds per week max.
4. Indulge Smarter
Yep, here's your permission to drink red wine and eat dark chocolate (in moderation, of course). You've likely heard that antioxidants are good for your overall health, thanks to their ability to fight inflammation. But a certain kind of antioxidant -- catechins -- can help burn fat. As it turns out, you can find these antioxidants in red wine and dark chocolate. But you can also get them from green teas, berries and apples. So try a dessert of fresh raspberries with a drizzle of chocolate.
5. Become a Menu Master
Eating at a restaurant can spell disaster for healthy eating habits. But it doesn't have to! You might be giving up some control by not cooking the meal yourself, but you can still make smart choices. Scan the menu carefully and ask your waiter questions if you're unsure how something is prepared. Stick with foods that are boiled, broiled, baked or steamed. And choose entrees that come with veggies or a salad instead of fries. Avoid excess dressing (ask for it on the side), cheese, cream sauces, butter and anything fried.
Avoid these 5 steps to lose your weight quickly and more efficiently, look 10 years younger and full with energy.
John Daniel
Chairman (2017-present)
16w ago
5 Ways to FINALLY Lose That Stubborn Belly Fat
  1. NEVER STOP MOVING (There's one thing to like about visceral fat: It yields fairly easily to aerobic exercise. Running, biking, or swimming—basically anything that gets your heart rate up—wins over resistance training when it comes to getting rid of the stuff. A recent study from Duke University found that jogging the equivalent of 12 miles a week is enough to melt belly fat.)
  2. LOAD UP ON PROTEIN (You know that protein's essential for a slimmer you. But here's why protein really needs to play a prime roll on your plate: "Your body starts to produce more insulin as you age, since your muscle and fat cells aren't responding to it properly," explains Louis Aronne, M.D., director of the obesity clinic at Cornell University. Insulin promotes fat storage—especially around your belly—and a diet high in protein may protect you against insulin resistance, says Aronne.)
  3. PILE ON POLYUNSATURATES (This just in: Saturated fat packs on more visceral fat than polyunsaturated ones, according to a recent Swedish study. When subjects ate 750 more calories daily for seven weeks—either in the form of palm oil (saturated) or sunflower oil (polyunsaturated)—the former gained more visceral fat while the latter gained more muscle mass and less body fat. Polyunsaturated fats can be found in nuts, seeds, and fish.)
  4. STOCK UP ON VINEGAR (Obese people who consumed a tablespoon or two of vinegar daily for eight weeks showed significant decreases in body fat—particularly visceral fat—according to a 2009 Japanese study. "One theory is that the acetic acid in the vinegar produces proteins that burn up fat," explains Pamela Peeke, M.D., professor of medicine at the University of Maryland, author of Fight Fat After 40.)
  5. PRACTICE YOGA (Postmenopausal women who tried yoga for 16 weeks reported significant reductions in visceral fat in one 2012 study. If you're just not that into downward dog, any sort of relaxation exercise (even simple deep breathing) can help. The key is to lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol, which is linked to belly fat.)
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Noor Ullah Jan
Pharmacist and health enthusiast.
16w ago
Losing body fat is easy but it takes time and continuity of diet, exercise and lifestyle modification efforts.
Here are the effective tips that will bring a win for your body fat loss in long run and will bale you to get a skinner and smart body.
  • Avoid sugar and sugar loaded foods: When you eat sugar more than your body requirement body cannot consume them all. The result is that extra sugars are converted into body fats. So, if you want to get rid of body fat, limit or cut down the amount of sugar you take, it will help you to reduce the body fat in your body. Eating more sugar is also the major cause of belly fat accumulation, by cutting back on sugar will also help you get a slim belly.
  • Eating more protein is the ultimate solution; When you eat more protein, particularly are at breakfast, you feel fuller for a longer time and as a result, you will be able to less in the day long. This will helps in balancing your caloric intake, that will help a lot in preventing fat accumulation within your body and will also help in the body fat loss. Secondly, protein keeps up your body natural ability to burn calories and boost the hormonal and enzymatic activities, both are vital for body fat loss. Eating more protein also helps in preventing fat to be accumulated in your belly area.
  • Eat more Green leafy, whole foods and vegetables: Along with the valuable nutritional benefits this category of food is rich in fibres, that helps a lot in giving you the metabolic benefits that are vital for far reduction of your body. Fibers also cleanse your gut and colon and improve the gut health, in this way as well, it contributes to the fat loss from the body.
  • Exercise: it is vital for fat loss and has multiple others health benefits as well. Exercise keeps you active the day round, aids in managing stress and burn a lot of calories for fat loss.
  • Track your food, how much you are eating and what type of food you are choosing to eat. Diet is vital for getting a smart body and have significant other wellness benefits as well.
Michael Clarke
Founder & CEO (2017-present)
12w ago
5 Ways to FINALLY Lose That Stubborn Belly Fat
There's one thing to like about visceral fat: It yields fairly easily to aerobic exercise. Running, biking, or swimming—basically anything that gets your heart rate up—wins over resistance training when it comes to getting rid of the stuff. A recent study from Duke University found that jogging the equivalent of 12 miles a week is enough to melt belly fat.
You know that protein's essential for a slimmer you. But here's why protein really needs to play a prime roll on your plate: "Your body starts to produce more insulin as you age, since your muscle and fat cells aren't responding to it properly," explains Louis Aronne, M.D., director of the obesity clinic at Cornell University. Insulin promotes fat storage—especially around your belly—and a diet high in protein may protect you against insulin resistance, says Aronne. In one study, obese women who followed a diet for eight weeks that was roughly 30 perecent protein, 40 percent carbs, and 30 percent fat lost significantly more fat—including visceral pudge—than women who stuck to a plan that was 16 percent protein, 55 percent carbs, and 26 percent fat.
This just in: Saturated fat packs on more visceral fat than polyunsaturated ones, according to a recent Swedish study. When subjects ate 750 more calories daily for seven weeks—either in the form of palm oil (saturated) or sunflower oil (polyunsaturated)—the former gained more visceral fat while the latter gained more muscle mass and less body fat. Polyunsaturated fats can be found in nuts, seeds, and fish.
Obese people who consumed a tablespoon or two of vinegar daily for eight weeks showed significant decreases in body fat—particularly visceral fat—according to a 2009 Japanese study. "One theory is that the acetic acid in the vinegar produces proteins that burn up fat," explains Pamela Peeke, M.D., professor of medicine at the University of Maryland, author of Fight Fat After 40.
Routinely squeaking by on five hours or less per night increases visceral fat levels, according to a 2010 Wake Forest University study. As you likely already know, eight hours is ideal. These 20 ways to sleep better every night can help.
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Dwayne Keeno
Fitness Professional (1988-present)
17w ago
What a great question. If you’re looking to get rid of body fat, you will need to implement 3 simple steps. However, before I can answer your question, you may want to consider how your body responds to exercise and nutrition. Other wise known as BODY TYPE.
I only mention this because most people who what to lose fat never think about how their body will respond to the two most important things (exercise and nutrition) that will affect their fitness results. By understanding your body type, you can measure how long it should take you to achieve your fitness goals.
Now I’m not talking about measuring it down to a science but within a time frame that’s manageable and realistic, two other things you will need to implement on your fitness journey.
What I mean is, if you’re someone who has struggle with their weight (Endomorph), it will usually take you longer to lose fat. Especially, in certain areas like the back of your arms, stomach, love handles, buttocks, hips, thighs, and for some people, their face. On the other end of the spectrum, you have people who can’t gain weight (Ectomorph). This body type can eat whatever they want and rarely put on any size. Which can be very frustrating for any person trying to gain muscle.
There’s one more body type and it’s been said they have the best of both worlds (Mesomorph). This group seem to lose weight when they want and need to, while having no problem putting on some good muscle size when they start lifting weights.
So, make sure you know what body type you are before you start. Now that out of the way, lets take a look at the 3 things you need to understand to have a rock solid foundation to lose fat.
  1. Have an effective exercise routine that works with your daily schedule
  2. Consume the proper amount of nutrition throughout the course of the day/night
  3. Get the correct amount of rest/recovery
In addition to the three components I mention above, you will need time to execute a plan and be patience with yourself and the process to reach your fitness goals. I say this because, not only do I want you to get fit, I want you to stay fit.
Please feel free to ask any other fitness related questions you may have. Follow me and check out my TOP 5 Quora Answers to everyday health and fitness concerns.
I want to thank Quora for the opportunity to serve this great community and may we all appreciate and treat each other with respect.
Fitness Enthusiast and Constant learner
16w ago
Follow these simple rules
  1. Eat healthy fats. 1 handful of nuts is good enough. Yes, good fat cuts bad fat.
  2. Eat one serving of raw vegetable salad.
  3. Drink more water. Make sure you do not drink water with/after meals.
  4. Reduce your daily carbohydrate intake. I mean reduce the quantity of chapatis and rice.
  5. Switch to whole grains like oats and brown rice.
  6. Keep a gap of 3 hours between your last meal and the time you sleep at night.
  7. Sleep for 6–8 hours. Proper rest is extremely important.
  8. Increase your protein intake. I mean eat chickpeas, kidney beans, eggs, chicken breast, lentils, cottage cheese more frequently.
  9. Avoid outside food as much as possible.
  10. Start using cooking sprays.
  11. Reduce your daily sugar intake. Fulfill your sugary cravings with fruits.
  12. Reduce salt intake. Switch to rock salt.
  13. Do not use your phone or look at the idiot box when you are eating.
  14. Eat less but eat consciously. Let your brain register every byte. It helps. Trust me.
  15. Find ways to move your body. Use stairs. Play with your kids. Or head to a gym.
  16. Never forget to smile. The more you are stressed out, the more fat your body will put on.
For more information on this checkout my fitness channel on YouTube Fit Tuber
You won’t regret clicking on that link. I promise :)
James William
15w ago
5 Tips to Shed Body Fat for Good
Drink More Water
Water is the medium in which most cellular activities take place, including the transport and burning of fat. In addition, drinking plenty of calorie-free water makes you feel full and eat less. Drink at least 1 ounce of water per 2 pounds of bodyweight a day (that's 100 ounces for a 200-pound person). Keep a 20-ounce water bottle at your desk, fill it five times a day, and you're set.
Consume Fewer Calories Than You Burn
To figure out how many calories you burn a day, calculate your Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR)—the number of calories you burn daily doing routine activities, not including formal exercise—using this formula: RMR = bodyweight (in pounds) x 13. Next, determine how many calories you burn through exercise—a half-hour of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise burns around 350 calories in the average man, and a half-hour of lifting burns around 200. Add your RMR to the calories you burn in the gym, and keep your daily calorie consumption below that total.
Reduce Starchy Carbs
Consuming too many starchy foods, such as potatoes, rice, pasta and breads (especially at one sitting), provides your body with more than it needs for energy and glycogen stores; anything left over will be stored as fat. "You don't have to eliminate starchy carbs completely," says IFBB pro Mike Matarazzo. "But you should really cut back on them when trying to shed body fat." Limit total starch servings per day to 3-5, where a serving size is one cup of pasta, rice or sliced potatoes.
Eat a Full, Balanced Breakfast
"Your body has been starving all night long, and it needs nutrients to rebuild itself," says Matarazzo. "If you just catch something quick on the run instead of eating a full meal, it negatively impacts your workout, and everything else you do during the day." Eat sufficient protein (30-40 grams), a complex carbohydrate, like oatmeal, and a piece of fruit to start your day off right.
Limit Sugar Consumption
Taking in simple carbs (sugars) right after weight training replenishes muscle and liver glycogen stores, but excess sugar consumed at other times will be stored as fat. Satisfy your sweet tooth occasionally, but try limiting your intake of sugar to fresh fruit. Replace sugary beverages like soft drinks and juice with water, coffee, tea or diet soda.
Try This: The Smoothie Diet . The delicious recipes that shred the fat and energize your body with natural juicing at your home
Nicky Stefield
Writer | Diet Reviewer | 5+ Nutritionist | 4+ Working out
4w ago
My fat goes off with interval training, combining cardio and strength loads, as well as proper nutrition. And I want to note that I drink pills that help to lose weight, improve metabolism.
I want to write you about 6 products that help remove fat:
  1. Coconut oil. There are fats in it that help to speed up the process of losing weight.
  2. Water. Drink 1.5–2 liters of water per day. Drink water when you feel hungry.
  3. Healthy fats. Among them: avocado, sweet potato, beans, legumes, nuts and fatty fish (such as salmon). Healthy fats are important when you’re trying to get rid of excess fat.
  4. Whole grains. WG are complex carbohydrates. They allow you to feel the saturation for longer. Eat bread from whole grains, brown rice and barley.
  5. Sauerkraut. If you want to get rid of fat, eat it.
  6. Apple vinegar.
Original siteon Quora

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