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Friday, April 6, 2018

Health : How do I get a big butt?

How do I get a big butt?
Apr 4, 2018 3:15 PM
Rob Miller
Studied sport science and Sports Physio
21w ago
Today I want to tell you about the body's most primal muscle….that you've probably never heard of (let alone trained).
Your hips are the bridge between your upper body and lower body. They are at the center of your body's movement.
Sitting within the well of your hip and lower spine is the psoas major muscle, one of the two muscles that makes up the iliopsoas.
It’s often called the "mighty" psoas (pronounced so-az) for the many important functions it plays in the movement of your body.
The psoas is the only muscle in the human body connecting the upper body to the lower body.
The muscle attaches to the vertebrae of the lower spine, moves through the pelvis and connects to a tendon at the top of the femur. It also attaches to the diaphragm, so it’s connected to your breathing, and upon it sits all the major organs.
A functioning psoas muscle creates a neutral pelvic alignment, stabilizes the hips, supports the lower spine and abdomen, supports the organs in the pelvic and abdominal cavity and gives you greater mobility and core strength.
When it functions well, it has the power to…
… help you achieve peak performance day after day after day.
… rapidly drop ugly body fat that stubbornly clings to your body.
… train harder, heavier and gain strength faster than you thought possible.
… hit your peak of sexual health.
… flood your mind and body with renewed energy and vigor.
Put simply, this muscle is the core of activity in your body. So, when it's out of balance or if the psoas tightens, there are serious consequences which flow throughout the body.
That's why I urge you to try these…..
Mansour Ansari
Software design and weightlifting
21w ago
There are two methods to achieve your goal. One is the Plastic Surgery. You can expand your buttocks using the plastic surgery techniques combined with Gluteal implants. This medical procedure comes with a big price tag and potentially hazardous to your life.
The second method takes a long time to show real and permanent results. It entails a total change of lifestyle, and it requires hard and intense physical sporting and athletic training. You must train your core and your entire body.
The exercises are the squat versions performed with a barbell mixed with deadlift varieties, overhead pressing combined more with some Olympic style weightlifting. There is a lot more. You must master a whole spectrum of athletic movements while following a strict program of nutrition and recovery. Get ready to train hard for few years!.
If you do this right, you can alter your physique and expand your gluteal muscles to create the round and firm buttocks area matching the rest of your athletic body.
For example look at the frames of a lightweight or light heavyweight Olympic weightlifters Or look at the body composition of CrossFit trainers or even better, look at the Field and Track or Gymnastic athletes.
The final results will be according to your genetics, nutrition, the intensity of weightlifting and sporting activities.
Kiran Kelkar
Compliance Analyst at Citigroup (2014-present)
21w ago
The typical “bro” answer would be simply to hit the big lifts and eat to grow, but considering you aren’t trying to bulk up your whole body, the answer needs to be made just a bit more specific.
First and foremost, you will need to get stronger overall, and utilize movements that will utilize the maximal number of muscles throughout the movement. This means, movements like the squat and deadlift will become mainstays and will be the primary movers.
Before we get into the training, remember that you’re looking to grow, and that means that you have to eat in a fashion that will help your body to grow. That means no more dieting to lose weight, in fact, it’s the exact opposite, we need to eat in a way that will help you gain weight.
Why do we need to eat? Well that’s simple, you’re trying to make existing tissue larger and to grow new tissue. Just like when we’re growing up as kids, and we need sufficient calories for our bones to grow properly, your musculature has the same needs to continue getting larger. So make sure that you’re eating in a way that creates a slight caloric surplus (no more than 100 calories per day is necessary to start), and make sure that you’re doing this fairly consistently. You want protein to be a large portion, try to consume 0.5–0.8g per pound of body weight, and then use carbohydrates and fats to comprise the rest. Adjust your carbs as necessary to meet your metabolic needs.
Your training will revolve around 2 lower body days. One will be a lower body push day and then other will be a lower body pull day.
  • Lower Body Push
    • Squat (back squat, front squat or goblet squats) - use a moderately heavy weight that you can lift 6–8 times and perform a 5x5, with 60–90 seconds of rest between sets. You should feel somewhat tired, but not completely fatigued by the end of this.
    • Lunges (reverse, static, walking) - take long strides to target your glutes and hamstrings, perform 5x8 with a moderately heavy weight (no weight is necessary if these are particularly challenging). The goal is to get the muscles to work in a dynamic fashion under a lighter load with higher volume.
    • Step ups (step at approximately knee height) - do not kick off of the back foot, you want to pushing through the stepping foot completely and put all of the pressure on the glutes and hamstrings. Perform these in one of 2 ways: 1) 5x20 with light weights, or 2) 2x3 minutes non stop with body weight only. Alternate between the 2 methods week over week, if you start feeling this more in your quads, then slow down the eccentric and concentrate on getting your glutes to tense up.
  • Lower Body Pull
    • Deadlift (sumo, conventional or stiff-leg) - use a moderately heavy weight that you can lift 6–8 times and perform a 5x5, with 60–90 seconds rest between sets.
    • Glute bridge or hip thrust - keep the heels in close to your butt and focus on flexing at the glutes to initiate and complete the movement, perform these with moderately heavy weight for 5x8. Once you’ve finished the last set of 8, remove the weight and do one final burn out set for as many reps as possible.
    • Lying hip abduction - use just bodyweight or add external load but perform 5x20 with controlled reps and a 1 second pause at the top of the rep. Start off light and easy as these will creep up on you.
There you have it, a very simple but painfully effective routine that will help in building your glutes.
The principles behind are simple:
  • The larger compound movements at the start will accomplish 2 things - 1) building strength utilizing heavier weights and lower rep schemes and 2) stimulate the release of testosterone and growth hormone, both of which are necessary to stimulate hypertrophy.
  • Once you’ve completed the heavier work, we move onto the slightly lighter, but still moderately intense dynamic movements where you’re working to isolate the targeted muscles more intensely, the goal being increase time under tension and further release of the necessary hormones, and increased metabolic stress.
  • On the final exercise, we use very light weights and high, but controlled, reps to illicit a “pump” or “burn” in the targeted musculature. Essentially, we’re ensuring that the majority of blood flow in your body is being directed to the muscles we specifically want to grow. This will ensure that maximal number of nutrients will reach the muscles to support the work that you’ve done.
Follow this program for several weeks and you’ll very likely start to see results. If you don’t, I would look at your diet first and the programming second as diet plays a much more significant role in hypertrophy.
Jonathan Hopkins
Trainer/Owner at Reforged Fitness Training (2015-present)
21w ago
Loads of hip exercises. More specifically, exercises that target the gluteus maximus and your hip abductor complex. The gluteus medius also. Now for a bit of harsh reality. A large and well toned butt won't necessarily guarantee that nice rounded shape. Genetics also plays a role.
Lucas Poh
studied at National University of Singapore
21w ago
To get a big and perky bum, you’ll need to have a proper diet followed by regular lower body workouts that target your bum.
Some good exercises that can help you build a big butt would be:
and many more..
However, having bad knees and tight lower body muscles can prevent you from doing certain lower body compound movements, such as the squats. Though this may be an obstacle to your desired perky bum goals, yet, there are few other no squats exercise alternatives that we are going to teach you today that can bring you closer to that perky butt dream.
Non-squatting bum workouts:
  • Marching Hip Raise
  • Bent Knee Donkey Kicks
  • Exercise Ball Butt Lifts
To know more on how to get a bigger and perkier butt, read more about it at the article below:
Joe Collins
Natural Bodybuilder (2011-present)
21w ago
I’m sure someone else is probably going to say the same thing , but, weight training is the best way. If you want your butt to grow naturally, you need to workout with a mix of free weights and machines.
Puneet Bains
Floor Manager
21w ago
Hey Emma,
As one of the answers say either get it enhanced by a Doctor or get it by working Hard.
Choosing the later part as that is what i specialize in.
I am so sorry to say if big butt means gaining flesh on Butt Cheeks along with some broadness in TFL(Tensor Fasciae Latae) or IT Band.
Then it's a Big No.
Because we can gain muscle mass, reduce fat, can make something firm, tighter but how can it be increased by putting in just mass(fat & muscle both) by choosing a specific area.
No No No that's just not possible.
What we can do is
Design a program where we work on loose fat from waist, reduce fat from Hamstrings & Inner Thigh part simultaneously working on Gluteus(Butt) so that when seen it gives an illusion that the BUTT is BIG.
That's It.
Hope You Understand.
Original siteon Quora

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